Let's Get Started

Group Coaching


Stress Assessment

Are you so tired of feeling tired?  Do you wonder where all your time and energy goes? 

Maybe you feel so worn out at the end of each day that you can’t even imagine one more thing being asked of you by anyone.  Or you wake up in the morning with a feeling of dread with all that you’ve committed to for the day. 

Maybe it’s time for you to take the Stress Assessment* to help you better understand why you feel so tired and stressed out.

In under an hour and a half, you’ll learn what’s draining your energy and causing you stress in your life so you can create more peace for yourself. 

You’ll take a 20-minute online assessment and then schedule a call to debrief with me.  In addition to your 90-minute debrief, you’ll receive a 10 page report with a graph showing you exactly how your stress is showing up in different areas of your life, and the unexpected hidden causes of it that are draining you right now. I’ll help you identify the first step to reducing stress to boost your energy and create more peace, and you’ll learn a top strategy to keep your energy up, even when life gets hectic and demanding. We’ll have a 20 minute follow up call two weeks after your debrief to address any additional insights and strategies that have surfaced after your debrief. Individual Assessment, $545 or Couples Assessment, $645.

* The Stress Assessment is The Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment developed by iPEC's founder, Bruce D Schneider.

Individual Coaching

As a high capacity leader, you’re in high demand.  It can be exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling some days, and challenging, frustrating and draining on others.  The very strengths that make you successful can paradoxically be the same things that hold you back.  At times, it seems everyone wants a piece of you, and your tank feels empty, limiting your creativity and motivation. If you’re not careful, it can be easy to be swept up and lost in the shuffle, and find yourself living on autopilot. You wake up and wonder where the time has gone, and realize, that time is gone forever.

You aspire to more.  You know that you’re made for more and you have big dreams, but can’t put your finger on what’s getting in your way.  You’ve reached the point that you realize this one precious life is too short to waste any more time.  This is your moment. The world needs the gifts that you’ve been given. Working with me as your coach you’ll

  • Focus your time and energy;

  • Align your thoughts and feelings to create the outcomes you desire;

  • Develop your skillset to equip you for the next level;

  • Create a vision that makes you excited when you put your feet on the floor every morning;

  • Put a strategy in place to bring your dreams to life.

People normally work with me in one of three ways: For 4 months, 6 months or 9 months.  After your complimentary session, if you want to continue coaching with me, I’ll tailor a coaching program specific to your needs that will result in a transformational experience that’s sustainable.  The longer your program, the deeper and more transformational your experience will be. 

Transformation also happens very effectively in authentic community where people can encourage, inspire, collaborate and help you be accountable to the goals you set for yourself.  Reach out to find out about group coaching opportunities.

If you’re ready to create a life that’s purposeful, has positive impact and full of joy, then we should have a conversation.